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Ozcanli Academy Accepts Funds From

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We would love to be a vendor for it! Fill out our charter school contact form to start the process.

Charter School
Student Interest Form

We offer every Charter School Student a complimentary 30-minute trial lesson. To get more information on our lessons and schedule your lesson, please fill out the form below.

This section is for public charter school students only. 

If you are not affiliated with a public charter school, please click here to be directed to our regular admissions page.

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We offer all charter school students 5% discount on all their lessons

60-minute lesson: $60
45-minute lesson: $52
30-minute lesson: $40

Why Choose Ozcanli Academy?

We offer private, online lessons from Berklee College of Music graduates. 

Our instructors are not only teachers, but they are musicians actively working in the music industry. Their credentials vary from Grammy nominations, collaborations with famous artists like Yo-yo-ma, Justin Timberlake, Paul McCartney to composing for major motion pictures. 


We offer music lessons to all levels, from very beginner students who are just starting out to very advanced students who are preparing to become professional musicians.


No matter what our students' goals are, keeping the joy and curiosity of playing an instrument is our philosophy.


Our students’ curriculum is tailored to their interests and goals. 


Our services are non-sectarian

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